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479 Albany Hwy, Albany WA 6330 Albany WA 6330

Local Advantage Exclusive Offer

Free Dessert with every main meal order

Offer Conditions

Not available public holidays

Excludes children's meals.

About Motel Le Grande

We pride ourselves on our friendly service, so we’ve done our best to make sure your stay at Motel Le Grande is both comfortable and memorable.

Enjoy your visit to our luxurious and spacious rooms and feel free to explore our other facilities, which cater for functions, conferences and business people as well as for holiday makers.

Check out our affordable rates and our wonderful location just minutes from the city and airport, with the delights of Albany’s great attractions only minutes away.

If your desires take you further afield, we can assist you with information on some of the Great Southern’s not-to-be-missed destinations.

Motel Le Grande accommodation is for clever people who know how to get the best quality and value.

This offer is only available to Local Advantage members.

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