Helping locals thrive

Welcome to Local Advantage. I am Louise Robinson, founder, mum, and director. Whether you’re looking for the best local deals, or want to help promote your business, Local Advantage is here to help.

Local Advantage has been serving South West WA since 2015 and has now expanded into the Great Southern region.

We all want the best deals on offer. At the same time, we all know the importance of supporting local businesses. Unfortunately, the two don’t always come together. That’s why I decided to do something about it. 

Local Advantage was born to help families like my own save money, while keeping wealth in the community. It’s also a way for local businesses to promote what they do, while saying thanks to valued customers by giving them a special deal. 

Every dollar spent in local businesses keeps that money circulating to the next family, enabling us all to thrive and maintain the unique character of the places we live and love. 

Now we have a way to do that, that keeps a little extra in our own families’ pockets as well. 

I hope you get as much value out of it as we do.

Louise Robinson – Local Advantage Founder & Director 

Local Advantage Business Awards

Local Advantage is proud to have been recognised as a Business of Excellence in 2018, also winning the Young Entrepreneur category at the Inaugural DYCCI & BCCI Business Awards. In the 2019 South West Business Excellence Awards, Local Advantage won the Innovation Award and was Runner Up for the Home Based Award. We have since taken a break from award submissions to focus on diversifying and improving our service.