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Local Advantage Exclusive Offer

20% discount for airtime

Available to local businesses owners with a product or attraction of interest to tourists. Your story is based on an interview with the businesses owner. Contact Barry for prices and further details.

Western Tourist Radio operates stations in Bunbury, Busselton, Dunsborough and Cowaramup. They are also in a joint venture called Radio WA in East Perth. Our stations provide
listeners (both travellers and locals) with entertainment and information about things to do and the unique products and services available in the area. In doing so, we highlight aspects of each region,
with information and anecdotes on the history, industry, attractions and talents of its people. We believe that by featuring local people on our programs, both yarns and musical talent, locals will
want to listen and can be encouraged to holiday in their own backyard.

Offer Conditions

Available to local businesses owners with a product or attraction of interest to tourists. Your story is based on an interview with the businesses owner. Contact Barry for prices and further details.

About Western Tourist Radio

This offer is only available to Local Advantage members.

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